Kanazawa University Institute for Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion Kanazawa University Institute for Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion


About Our Institute

Message from the Institute Director/ Principles

In preparation.

Kanazawa University Diversity Promotion Principles

 Kanazawa University aims to realize an environment that allows all its members to make the most of their abilities in their study, research and work with high aspirations on an equitable basis, while respecting differences in age, nationality, disability, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity and other characteristics. To attain this goal, we will improve our educational, research and working environments and promote activities to raise awareness in these areas.

 Through the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and by operating on the principle of “becoming a research university dedicated to education, while opening its doors to both local and global society”, we will contribute to world peace and sustainable development and help realize an inclusive environment in which all members of the university can respect each other’s attributes and characteristics.

 Here, the university establishes the “Kanazawa University Diversity Promotion Principles” and positions them as values shared by all members, who will act in accordance with them.